

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Truth bomb

Truth bomb

I'm back from another trip to the scene of the crime; the place where I began to question everything... the Santa Cruz/Watsonville KOA hot tub.

And by everything, I mostly mean questioning the existence of narwhals. In public. Again.

And yes, while sitting in the deliciously hot, hot tub with Sarah and Phil, I did remind them that it'd be a lot easier to accept the existence of these majestic creatures if I could visit one.

Thinks about that awesome James Brown sketch where he talks about hot tubs....

Hot tub! It makes you hot. It makes you wet! It's a celebrity hot tub party on NBC? Wha????

Hot tub! It makes you hot. It makes you wet! It's a celebrity hot tub party on NBC? Wha????

Sorry. Had one of those Google moments and now I'm thinking of televised celebrity hot tub parties.

In an aquarium. I'd like to see a narwhal in an aquarium. Not out on the barren tundra of Nunavut-- which is apparently where National Geographic helpfully suggests I might consider arranging a close encounter of the extremely tusked kind.

Of course, this is the perfect vacation plan if I’d like to:

  1. Waste tens of thousands of dollars
  2. Overhaul my wardrobe in a way that heavily incorporates the latest in animal skin
  3. Spend weeks of my life dodging certain death, hopping from ice flow to ice flow and trying not to be eaten by polar bears who think I'm a seal. (Thanks to my animal skin fashion statement...)
  4. Freeze my ass off
  5. Ultimately end up truly believing that narwhals don’t exist because I slept through narwhal rush hour

But I digress. The reason for this post is not for me to cancel Japan 2019, which is totally in full blown planning mode right now. It’s to show you that evil/awesome coworkers are using technology to reseed my skepticism… even whilst I work!


OMG. I knew it!!! 

Coworkers weigh in... again. This never gets old. #never


Meanwhile, David instantly gets to the bottom of things and ferrets out the conspiracy. 


So much intrigue!!!!

I love the people I work with… because they program Slackbot to deal out evil narhwhal-denier propaganda when I use the narwhal emoji *and* they send me links to Narwhal games to play when I'm out sick. Believe me, if I hadn’t been so looped on NyQuil and/or hating my sinuses so hard that I couldn’t think, work, read, blog, or basically do anything but watch Property Brothers, I would have wasted hours on this game. And now, you can waste time too! No stupid Summer cold required!

You’re welcome. And happy not-Monday of this fine four day workweek!

in narwhals...

in narwhals...

You Only Love Twice

You Only Love Twice

My novel is dead

My novel is dead