My novel is dead
To be fair, my novel was never really alive.... but in my heart, I still think that l killed it.
{pours one out}
At first, it was an idea in a notebook that I talked about here, on my bloggy blog. Then it became an idea in a notebook with more detail. I spent some lovely nights munching bacon, drinking chardonnay, and flushing out characters. I followed the steps in a book this time. It gave me much-needed structure and felt good about my progress.
That was in June. And now? Well, it would seem that I'm too lazy and interested in reading other people's books to bother anymore.
I'm guessing this means it wasn't the right idea. Right?
Yesterday, I bought a book about former President Obama and Joe Biden teaming up in their retirement to solve a mystery. On the cover, Joe Biden drives a roofless Trans Am and Obama stands on the passenger side, pointing with purpose towards the future. It's fargin’ inspirational. I didn't just snap a photo of this book; I bought it. They're gonna solve the shit out of this mystery and I'm going with them.
Can we talk about this cover art? It somehow manages to be the most ludicrous and majestic thing I've seen in ages. I'm totally jealous of the writer for having a funny idea and then taking the time to just... well... go there.
Last week I reviewed a sci-fi book about Sourdough starter. It was sentient *and* delicious.
No idea is too weird for me. I love weird. I also love formulaic regency romances and heist novels, old school dead-white-guy stuff, and essays. I think that’s the problem. I can’t commit to a genre. I want to write whatever I’m reading that exact moment.
I almost bought this book too. Tell me that you don't want to read it and I’ll know that you’re a damned dirty liar. The name! The cover art! I dare you to defy me on this.
By the author of This Book is Full Of Spiders....
There really isn’t a point to this post, except to come clean and admit that my fledgling idea fell out of the nest. It didn't fly, but I kind of don't mind. Hope never dies. Obama, Biden, and his bitchin’ TransAm taught me that. Someday another idea—one that’s really mine and worth pouring hours of blood, sweat, and chardonnay into—will come along. Someday.
Until then, I'll keep buying weird stuff that my former English professors probably wouldn't approve of, writing reviews on this blog, and filing these expenses under "novel research."
Happy Sunday, folks!