

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!


I’ve been reliably informed by someone who maths better than me that it’s been 367 days since I published a post. That’s a lot of days. 

I think it’s kind of ironic that half the universe put pen to figurative (or literal) paper to journal the early days of this never-ending pandemic, while I, who has an actual place on the interwebz to write shit, decided to go on pause. It would seem that I didn’t have anything useful/irreverent/punny to say. 

(Although one could probably draw an interesting correlation between lack of in-person, office hi jinx with lack of posts… or my acquisition of a certain adorable but totally ridiculous mini American shepherd named Archie… or the general depression that comes with seeing the world fail at adulting… or the almost collapse of democracy as I know it… but I digress…)

I still don’t have anything useful/irreverent/punny to say, but David kind of shamed me.

David’s exceedingly good at shaming with purpose…

David’s exceedingly good at shaming with purpose…

So here goes. My first post of 2020.

Have you ever accidentally accused your friends of over-drafting your bank account whilst being invited to a virtual tea drinking lesson?

Yeah. I thought so. 

Here’s what it looked like when I did it.


The good news is that I registered for tea though.


If you want to learn to drink tea properly whilst consuming delightful miniature sandwiches, hit up History San Jose on 12/5.

And my blog is apparently live again. So, I guess I’ll add “write blog post” to my daily list of “Things to do that really bear doing but I sometimes forget to do because I don’t get paid to do them.” Again. Or maybe not. Because maybe one post every 366 days is the best publishing cadence for all of us.


Work haiku