

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!

Things I did instead of writing my blog

Things I did instead of writing my blog

Crocheted taxidermy

I got this book, and it taught me how to hunt, kill, and make adorable hunting trophies out of poor, endangered amigurumi. *

Considered important health questions

For example, “Why my eye is twitching non-stop?!” and “Should I should trade 90 days of wine therapy for a toenail?”

My eye is twitching RIGHT NOW as I type this sentence. The left one. And I did decide to trade 90 days of drinking for healthy toenails, because I’m an adult and hard choices must be made.

Tried not to talk obsessively about my new Peloton spin bike

People who post every day about their totally normal workout routines are super annoying. That being said, it’s hard to resist gushing like the most basic Silicon Valley tech mom about having a spin studio in my guest room. It’s doubly hard to restrain myself when all I want to do is log onto to the social medias to declare that Robin Arzon’s 15 minute Tabata interval workout was harder than any Lift or SoulCycle class I’ve ever taken. (See what I did there? I guess I couldn’t resist altogether)



At the same time, I’m super proud of my friends who are posting about their health journeys and huge (and hard won) victories. Keep doing that. You’re an inspiration. (Just don’t micro check-in from your OTF, CorePower Yoga, SoulCycle, Lift, Flywheel, and/or 24 Hour Fitness location every day through January. Cluttering up my FB feed with your check-ins and not writing a blurb about your progress or recommendations doesn’t impress anyone. It makes you annoying.)

Fought the soul-sucking ennui that comes from the general realization that death is inevitable

Some good people passed away in December. Young(-ish) people. My people.

December is a dark, cold month and it’s easy to slip into dark, cold thoughts. I’m not going to backslide, but what I will do is repost one of the last requests of a childhood friend. Annie was a ray of light. The world can use more people like her, so I hope that her husband doesn’t mind me reposting his words here.

"If you feel called to offer support, I believe she'd want her life to inspire people to create a more peaceful and just world. So find some way of getting involved in work for social change, and engage wholeheartedly as a way of keeping Annie's memory alive."

I know that some of my classmates are taking this to heart. In 2019, be a force for good in this world. Don’t be complacent. Don’t wait to pitch in until later. Write that piece (Go, Liza!), change your life (Go, Joe!), donate your head, heart, or cold hard cash to your cause. Life is short and there is much injustice to be fought.

Getting thoroughly unplugged

I did this and it wasn’t really intentional, but man… it felt great. Even this blog, which I love, went dormant. Because, let’s face it, screens, social media hate, and being bombarded by fake news is draining.

On the other hand, now I’m ready for all of your cat gifs and bad dating profiles. Bring it!

Happy New Year, folks!

*Okay. Maybe I didn’t kill these adorable critters. I made them with yarn, whimsy, and my hands.



I was lost, but now I'm found

I was lost, but now I'm found