

Welcome to my happy little corner of the internet where I write about fun, books, travels, and mis-adventures. Hope you have a nice stay!



Yesterday, I was reading Scott Belsky’s bright yellow book, The Messy Middle, at my desk. 

There are several problems with this:

  1. The first, and biggest problem, is that I look like a giant kiss-ass reading this book, which was written by our chief product officer, at work. Did I mention that it is bright, yellow, and totally unmistakeable? (There is no way I can pass it off as a bodice ripper. I might have considered that as a less embarrassing option at one point.)

  2. The second issue is that I kind of like it. (Refer to issue #1.)

  3. Insert emoji for vicious cycle. Nobody cares that someone gave it to me at Lavacon or that I needed something mellow and non-interactive to do yesterday afternoon.

Why do I like it?

  1. The gratuitous use of the f bomb.

  2. It makes me feel like I’m not a total failure for… um… failing all the time/feeling frustrated because i’m failing all the time/my gratuitous use of the f bomb.

But mostly, I think I like the book because it included this quote from a famous somebody who makes cool shit and fails all the time but none of us have ever heard of. This quote pretty much SUMS UP WHO I AM.


Yeah. That. It’s my new mantra.

My weird IS powerful. 

I’m not for everyone—just the sexy people*. Like you.** 

Thanks for hanging out with me in my creative, weird place. It’s nice to see you. Maybe next time we can meet at yours. Just let me know where it is and I’ll be there. Maybe after tacos.

* Don’t take that literally because any use of the word sexy in any context really creeps me out.

**Again, without the sexy part. 

Creative strength

Creative strength

Things I did instead of writing my blog

Things I did instead of writing my blog